{"description":"Sneak Peek DNA Test Package Discover your baby's gender as early as 6 weeks into your pregnancy with our safe, effective, and secure DNA testing service. This package includes a simple blood test and delivers fast, reliable results, giving you an exciting glimpse into your journey ahead. Plan and celebrate sooner with the confidence and care you deserve—book your Sneak Peek DNA Test today!","id":"sneak-peek-dna-test","name":"Sneak Peek DNA Test","order":2,"packageImg":"/resources/images/packages2/sneakpeek (2).webp","royalDescription":[{"descriptionSubtitle":"DNA gender test + an ultrasound session on the same day","descriptionTitle":"Same-Day Ultrasound"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"Receive your results in just 24-48 hours","descriptionTitle":"Free Fast Track Results"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"Determine your baby's gender as early as 6 weeks into pregnancy","descriptionTitle":"Early Gender Detection"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"A simple, painless blood sample is taken","descriptionTitle":"Painless Procedure"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"Enjoy the added joy of seeing your baby during the ultrasound session.","descriptionTitle":"Enhanced Experience"}],"royalImg":"/resources/images/packages2/sneakpeek (3).webp","royalNote":"","royal_block_time":60,"royal_length":"30 - 45","royal_price":189.99,"shortDescription":"Discover your baby's gender as early as 6 weeks with 99.9% accuracy","standardDescription":[{"descriptionSubtitle":"Discover your baby's gender as early as 6 weeks into pregnancy.","descriptionTitle":"Early Gender Detection"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"A simple, painless blood sample is taken.","descriptionTitle":"Painless Procedure"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"Results are delivered in 1-3 days.","descriptionTitle":"Quick Results"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"Sample is sent to the SneakPeek Lab for accurate analysis","descriptionTitle":"Clinical Precision"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"Our expertly trained staff would help ensure that the procedure is done safely and properly for the most accurate results","descriptionTitle":"Safe and Convenient"}],"standardImg":"/resources/images/packages2/sneakpeek (1).webp","standardNote":"","standard_block_time":30,"standard_length":"10 - 15","standard_price":149.99,"weeks":"6 - 13 Weeks"}
Sneak Peek DNA Test 6 - 13 Weeks
Sneak Peek DNA Test Package Discover your baby's gender as early as 6 weeks into your pregnancy with our safe, effective, and secure DNA testing service. This package includes a simple blood test and delivers fast, reliable results, giving you an exciting glimpse into your journey ahead. Plan and celebrate sooner with the confidence and care you deserve—book your Sneak Peek DNA Test today!
Choose between our Sneak Peek DNA Test Packages

Same-Day Ultrasound DNA gender test + an ultrasound session on the same day
Free Fast Track Results Receive your results in just 24-48 hours
Early Gender Detection Determine your baby's gender as early as 6 weeks into pregnancy
Painless Procedure A simple, painless blood sample is taken
Enhanced Experience Enjoy the added joy of seeing your baby during the ultrasound session.
Duration 30 - 45 Minutes

Early Gender Detection Discover your baby's gender as early as 6 weeks into pregnancy.
Painless Procedure A simple, painless blood sample is taken.
Quick Results Results are delivered in 1-3 days.
Clinical Precision Sample is sent to the SneakPeek Lab for accurate analysis
Safe and Convenient Our expertly trained staff would help ensure that the procedure is done safely and properly for the most accurate results
Duration 10 - 15 Minutes