{"description":"Document your baby’s growth and development during weeks 18 to 26 with regular ultrasound sessions. Each visit captures how your little one is changing, creating cherished memories for you and your family. With our “Love Every Moment” Guarantee, if your baby isn’t ready for the spotlight, we’ll schedule a redo and include a special gift to make it memorable. Celebrate your baby’s journey—book this special package today!","has_guarantee_badge":true,"id":"watch-me-grow","name":"Watch Me Grow!","order":8,"packageImg":"/resources/images/packages2/watchMeGrow.webp","royalDescription":[{"descriptionSubtitle":"Extended time for a more comprehensive observation of your baby's growth","descriptionTitle":"20-30 Minutes HDLive/4D Session"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"Receive a vibrant, HD color photo of your baby and get up to 10 B&W prints for keepsakes and sharing with loved ones","descriptionTitle":"1 HD Color Photo + Up to 10 B&W Prints"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"High-quality images and videos sent to your email for convenient access and sharing","descriptionTitle":"Pictures & Video Sent to Your Email"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"More time, additional prints, and videos for a more memorable ultrasound experience","descriptionTitle":"Enhanced Experience"}],"royalImg":"/resources/images/packages2/watchMeGrowRoyal.webp","royalNote":"","royal_block_time":30,"royal_length":"20 - 30","royal_price":97.99,"shortDescription":"Experience your baby in HDLive/4D and see their body features","standardDescription":[{"descriptionSubtitle":"A brief but detailed session to observe your baby's development","descriptionTitle":"15-Minute HDLive/4D Session"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"Receive five black-and-white prints to capture and share precious moments","descriptionTitle":"5 B&W Photo Prints"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"High-quality digital images sent directly to your email for easy sharing and keepsakes","descriptionTitle":"Digital Pictures"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"Enjoy the clarity and detail of HDLive/4D ultrasound technology","descriptionTitle":"Detailed Imaging"}],"standardImg":"/resources/images/packages2/watchMeGrowStandard.webp","standardNote":"","standard_block_time":30,"standard_length":"15","standard_price":84.99,"weeks":"18 - 26 Weeks"}
Watch Me Grow! 18 - 26 Weeks

Document your baby’s growth and development during weeks 18 to 26 with regular ultrasound sessions. Each visit captures how your little one is changing, creating cherished memories for you and your family. With our “Love Every Moment” Guarantee, if your baby isn’t ready for the spotlight, we’ll schedule a redo and include a special gift to make it memorable. Celebrate your baby’s journey—book this special package today!
Choose between our Watch Me Grow! Packages


20-30 Minutes HDLive/4D Session Extended time for a more comprehensive observation of your baby's growth
1 HD Color Photo + Up to 10 B&W Prints Receive a vibrant, HD color photo of your baby and get up to 10 B&W prints for keepsakes and sharing with loved ones
Pictures & Video Sent to Your Email High-quality images and videos sent to your email for convenient access and sharing
Enhanced Experience More time, additional prints, and videos for a more memorable ultrasound experience
Duration 20 - 30 Minutes


15-Minute HDLive/4D Session A brief but detailed session to observe your baby's development
5 B&W Photo Prints Receive five black-and-white prints to capture and share precious moments
Digital Pictures High-quality digital images sent directly to your email for easy sharing and keepsakes
Detailed Imaging Enjoy the clarity and detail of HDLive/4D ultrasound technology
Duration 15 Minutes