{"description":"Document your baby's growth with our Watch Me Grow! package. Watch your little one develop and change over time, creating a beautiful keepsake of their journey from bump to birth. This package offers frequent updates and cherished memories for you and your family.","has_guarantee_badge":true,"id":"watch-me-grow","name":"Watch Me Grow!","order":8,"packageImg":"/resources/images/packages2/watchMeGrow.webp","royalDescription":[{"descriptionSubtitle":"Extended time for a more comprehensive observation of your baby's growth","descriptionTitle":"20-30 Minutes HDLive/4D Session"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"Receive a vibrant, HD color photo of your baby and get up to 10 B&W prints for keepsakes and sharing with loved ones","descriptionTitle":"1 HD Color Photo + Up to 10 B&W Prints"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"High-quality images and videos sent to your email for convenient access and sharing","descriptionTitle":"Pictures & Video Sent to Your Email"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"More time, additional prints, and videos for a more memorable ultrasound experience","descriptionTitle":"Enhanced Experience"}],"royalImg":"/resources/images/packages2/watchMeGrowRoyal.webp","royalNote":"","royal_block_time":30,"royal_length":"20 - 30","royal_price":97.99,"shortDescription":"Experience your baby in HDLive/4D and see their body features","standardDescription":[{"descriptionSubtitle":"A brief but detailed session to observe your baby's development","descriptionTitle":"15-Minute HDLive/4D Session"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"Receive five black-and-white prints to capture and share precious moments","descriptionTitle":"5 B&W Photo Prints"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"High-quality digital images sent directly to your email for easy sharing and keepsakes","descriptionTitle":"Digital Pictures"},{"descriptionSubtitle":"Enjoy the clarity and detail of HDLive/4D ultrasound technology","descriptionTitle":"Detailed Imaging"}],"standardImg":"/resources/images/packages2/watchMeGrowStandard.webp","standardNote":"","standard_block_time":30,"standard_length":"15","standard_price":84.99,"weeks":"18 - 26 Weeks"}
Watch Me Grow! 18 - 26 Weeks
Document your baby's growth with our Watch Me Grow! package. Watch your little one develop and change over time, creating a beautiful keepsake of their journey from bump to birth. This package offers frequent updates and cherished memories for you and your family.
Choose between our Watch Me Grow! Packages
20-30 Minutes HDLive/4D Session Extended time for a more comprehensive observation of your baby's growth
1 HD Color Photo + Up to 10 B&W Prints Receive a vibrant, HD color photo of your baby and get up to 10 B&W prints for keepsakes and sharing with loved ones
Pictures & Video Sent to Your Email High-quality images and videos sent to your email for convenient access and sharing
Enhanced Experience More time, additional prints, and videos for a more memorable ultrasound experience
Duration 20 - 30 Minutes
15-Minute HDLive/4D Session A brief but detailed session to observe your baby's development
5 B&W Photo Prints Receive five black-and-white prints to capture and share precious moments
Digital Pictures High-quality digital images sent directly to your email for easy sharing and keepsakes
Detailed Imaging Enjoy the clarity and detail of HDLive/4D ultrasound technology
Duration 15 Minutes